

The harp is very elegant and romantic & will create a magical impressive atmosphere for that special occasion.

Credit to Therese Bonnici



Professional Maltese harpist Dr Lydia Buttigieg is a well-sought after harpist and pianist, musicologist. researcher and educator. She is highly in demand as a solo performer, and as a chamber instrumentalist, including accompanying solo singers and choirs. Lydia is frequently invited to perform as principal harpist with various local and foreign orchestras and bands. 

Lydia is renowned for her versatility on both the Celtic and Concert Grand Harp were she has performed at various prestigious events, State Dinners and other important corporate events, held at venues such as San Anton Palace and Verdala Palace. Her vast experience in harp performance enables her to set the right mood for any occasion, whether it is for a wedding ceremony, reception, engagements, inaugurations and funerals. For quality, beautiful, versatile harp music for your wedding or other special event, Lydia’s harp music is one of the best choices as she offers 25 years of professional service. 

I have just had the privilege of getting to know harpist Dr. Lydia Buttigieg and was so impressed with the beauty and dedication in which she plays. Such a humble, friendly lady whom God has blessed with this special gift of love for music.
Therese Zammit
Skin Care Advisor
Dr. Lydia Buttigieg gave an amazing performance at the 16th Edition of the Malta Engineering Excellence Awards. We had the pleasure of listening to her perform different songs on her harp, ranging from musical pieces of L.van Beethoven to Maltese songs such as Xemx! - Ing. Norman Zammit - President of the Chamber of Engineers
Norman Zammit
President of Chamber of Engineers, Malta

A feature published on The People of Malta

This is an artistic project to share emotions, stories, personalities, moods and contrasts depicted in pictures and in citations of the Maltese people.[0]=68.ARB69o0earQRpnjD_tNOD1zH8Vr0CJMKhDqZ25By5HFLzL6B44-KECG3vjum0LDVu3AV6dgDgFhMP2BFmvTXIfeJ_o0NdxFiBev5ZvirzugXC1cbgNxd02WkySBLp0CVLhXVEMWcKOCcPVGq6pOzdXC7GF_b5qCMeuJTFP54a39QMfSJUmFvoQ&__tn__=kCH-R

“Naħseb li twilidt mużiċista. Il-mużika hija ħajti. Mingħajr il-mużika ma ngħixx. Il-ġenituri tiegħi kienu t-tnejn idoqqu, il-papa’ l-vjolin u l-mama’ l-pjanu. Fl-1990 bdejt nistudja l-arpa ġewwa l-‘Johann Strauss School of Music.’ Għażilt l-arpa għax hu strument anġeliku li l-ħoss tiegħu jidħol fl-‘inner feelings’ tal-persuna. Meta tisma’ d-daqq tal-arpa, tħoss ċertu trankwilita’ u paċi. 
L-istruttura tagħha hi xi ħaġa li kienet u għadha taffaxxinani. Għalkemm l-arpa hi strument kbir, il-ħoss tagħha mhuwiex kbir imma fraġli ħafna. Fl-1997 kont l-ewwel persuna li għamilt l-eżamijiet tal-arpa u tliet snin ilu, spiċċajt ħadt dottorat fil-mużikoloġija.

Is-sodisfazzjon li tagħtik il-mużika hi meta tkun studjajt xi partitura u mbagħad iddoqqha u tara n-nies qed tieħu gost. Il-ħoss taċ-ċapċip tan-nies jimlielek ‘il qalbek. Mhuwiex xogħol faċli. Għandek studju kuljum u trid tibqa’ konsistenti. Il-mużika tiddixxiplinak. Meta ddoqq f’orkestra jew chamber u tisma’ dik il-mużika kkulurita f’sintonija flimkien hija xi ħaġa meraviljuża. Hija lingwa universali. Waħda mix-xewqat tiegħi hija li ndoqq barra minn xtutna. Mhux għax ma daqqejtx, imma nixtieq li nkun rappreżentattriċi Maltija bid-daqq tal-arpa.” 
– Lydia Buttigieg

✠ ✠ ✠

“I think that I was born with music in my veins. Music is my whole life. I wouldn’t survive without it. Both my parents were musicians, my father played the violin and my mother played the piano. In 1990, I started learning harp lessons at the Johann Strauss School of Music. I chose this instrument in particular because of its angelic sound and its power to delve into a person’s inner feelings. A harp’s sound creates such a tranquil and peaceful feeling. 
I was and still am fascinated by its structure. Although it is a large instrument, it produces a very fragile and soft sound. In 1997, I was the first candidate to sit for the harp exams. Three years ago, I finished my doctorate in musicology.

Music brings such joy and satisfaction, especially when you study hard and prepare a musical piece and then play it in front of an audience who enjoy and appreciate the music that’s being played. The sound of their applause fills your heart with happiness. It’s not an easy job. You have to keep studying and be committed. Music learning involves self-discipline. It’s a marvellous feeling when you hear that perfect symphony coming from all those different instruments in an orchestra or a chamber orchestra. It’s a universal language, capable of transcending linguistic barriers. One of my dreams is to play abroad. I wish to represent my country abroad by playing the harp.”

An article featuring Maltese harpist Dr Lydia Buttigieg, amongst other Maltese and foreign harpists.

Published on 18 November 2016 on In-Nazzjon

An Investiture by the Grand Priory of Malta of the Sovereign Hospitalier Order of St John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta

Under the distinguished patronage of Their Imperial and Royal Highnesses Prince Sandor Habsburg Lothringen, Archduke of Austria and Prince of Tuscany, and his consort Princess Herta Margarete.  


A feature published on OKMALTA.COM

Harpist & Pianist Dr Lydia Buttigieg

Dr Lydia Buttigieg is an accomplished and well-sought piano accompanist, lecturer, pianist/harpist, and musicologist. Her versatility and experience in performing and teaching spans nearly twenty-five years.
Dr Buttigieg graduated from the University of Malta, obtaining B.A. (Hons.) (Melit.) in piano performance in 2004. In 2011, Dr Buttigieg achieved the Fellowship Diploma by the London College of Music (FLCM) in piano accompaniment and was selected by the examiner to perform during the annual graduation ceremony, held in November 2012 at the Casino Maltese. Dr Buttigieg’s credentials have attained her to obtain several diplomas in piano and harp performance from the Trinity College of London and London College of Music respectively. She was the first in Malta to achieve Grade 6 (Distinction) and ATCL diploma, both self-presented in harp performance by the Trinity College of London in 1997-1998 respectively. Throughout her musical career, where she performed both as a soloist and accompanist, Dr Buttigieg toured several European countries, such as England, Scotland, Greece, Italy, Germany and lately at Poland. She has performed both as a pianist and harpist at various important venues, amongst the President’s Palace at San Anton Gardens, under the then Presidents’ of Malta Prof Guido de Marco and Dr George Abela, and recently the HE Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, St. John’s Co-Cathedral, Sala Isuaord, Imdina Cathedral, and St. James Cavallier. Amongst her various public concerts, Dr Buttigieg has premiered piano and orchestral works by Carmelo Pace, Dr Gordon Zammit, Raymond Sciberras, Bulgarian composer Atanassov and upcoming recent Maltese composers such as Dr Mariella Cassar Cordina, Maria Mifsud, Albert Garzia and Mark Agius. Dr Buttigieg is currently the leading Principal Harpist with the St Paul Chamber Ensemble which is getting a name for itself as being the only Maltese orchestra on the island. The SPCE has recently been on a concert tour to Poland in November 2018 which was highly acclaimed for its high-calibre performances, held at Kepno, Kalisz, Poznan and Slupia. The orchestra presented the World Premiere Messa da Requiem by the resident conductor Chev Mro Mark Agius, amongst a sacred concert and Broadway musicals for Special Needs children in Slupia.

She has also been appointed as Chief Examiner by the Medina Foundation for Music in Malta. In January 2014, Dr Buttigieg pursued in record time a Doctorate (PhD) from Durham University, UK, specialising in musicology and theoretical analysis. For her research studies, Dr Buttigieg was sponsored by the Janatha Stubbs Foundation. Dr Buttigieg is currently teaching Music Knowledge and Understanding (theory, history of music, aural training and solfeggio) and lecturing Diploma in Musicology at the Malta School of Music. Dr Buttigieg published various peer-reviewed academic papers, specialising in twentieth-century Maltese music literature and music education. She has completed a post-graduate certificate in music psychology in education from the University of Sheffield. Professional Maltese harpist offering services for public recitals, concerts, weddings.

A feature published on newspaper Kulhadd 

Sunday 27 January 2019 

Maria Borg Vassallo August 14, 2017

Dr.Lydia is the sweetest person ever! She is very friendly, kind and loving! Also very professional and so sure of what she`s doing all the time! She also went an extra mile to ensure that everything was perfect on the day.. i really appreciated her effort 
Without any doubt her music was the best thing happening at my wedding!! ..I loved every second of it.. So angelic and graceful.. absolutely beautiful!!!
Thank you for making me extra happy on my day you are truly special 
I can`t recommend you enough !

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